School Announcements -


Safety Online

Safety Online

At Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, safety online is extremely important to us.

We aim to:

  • Ensure that staff receive regular, relevant and up to date online safety training
  • Ensure our teaching is reactive and flexible to the needs of our children
  • Commit to engage with and support parents and the whole school community with regard to online safety
  • Ensure that appropriate policies are in place, understood and respected by all
  • To develop pupils’ skills and capabilities in relation to online safety

If parents have any Online Safety concerns, please contact the school office. The school’s designated persons for online safety are Mrs Baines and Mrs Ridley.

Our SAFETY ONLINE POLICY can be found under our policies on the website.

We also have a Digital Leader Team of children in school with members from Year 3, 4 and 5. These children work closely with their peers and the teachers in keeping our school safe online.

Our Digital Leaders are active members in the school community and meet regularly with our Computing Lead, Miss Fender.

Parental controls can keep your child safe

Visit or call the O2 and NSPCC Online Safety Helpline – 0808 800 5002


Parents may also find the following Online Safety links useful: